Life and Times Blog

Matchstick Men.

I like matchsticks.They’re innocuous and even flimsy when static.
But they have this small chemical element on them, that when pushed against the right chemical counter, becomes alive and oh so powerful.
It makes FIRE.
(Not many things are more awe inspiring than fire, its intangible, being gases that are dancing. It is essentially silent, but so incredibly powerful, and it looks real nice too. It is destructive but useful as well.It is a beautiful, non-existent paradox)

But the matchstick. Man is a matchstick too.Innocuous and flimsy, except when he is combined with that right counter.That counter being :Purpose.

Of the billions of human matchsticks, it is the few that were lit with purpose that set their whole time, and subsequent times, alight with the vision of that purpose.

The rest of us, we’re just mostly innocuous, and without understanding, we’re flimsy too. But we’re still matchsticks, with that potential.

February 4, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | 2 Comments